Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Spotlight On: White Rabbits

Tokyo Police Club meets Voxtrot (listen to opening track "Kid On My Shoulders" and tell me that's wrong).

Maybe you have not heard "Fort Nightly" by White Rabbits. It's an exceptional record released just around the same time as (and admittedly, in the shadow of) The National's masterwork "Boxer". As such, it was overlooked by many within the indie community (this blogger included). But now that the smoke has cleared from such landmark releases as "Boxer", "The Stage Names", and of course, the monumental "In Rainbows", it seems fitting to take a look back and appreciate this charming album by an unheralded but quite talented group of musicians. This record brims with verve and guts from the very beginning, and unapologetically rocks and rolls for a captivating 41 minutes. Sure, there are albums that you should listen to before this one, but you really ought to listen to this one.


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