Monday, March 17, 2008

Trent Reznor has some choice words for Yorke and Co.

Wait, Trent Reznor is being some combination of elitist and controversial? Get out of town. In a recent interview with the Australia Broadcasting Corporation, the brains behind Nine Inch Nails said that Radiohead's recent pay-what-you-want deal with their latest and brilliant album In Rainbows was just a ploy to get people “to pay for a MySpace quality stream as a way to promote a very traditional record sale…" He went on to say "I don’t see that as a big revolution they’re kind of getting credit for.”

Aw, hey, it's okay, Trent. We all know you hate the music industry too. Anyway, both NIN and Radiohead will headline Lollapalooza in Grant Park later this year. Maybe they'll fight!

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