At first blush, it would seem impossible to whittle down Radiohead's impossibly sublime catalogue down to a less-than-thirty-track collection of songs. But the folk at Capitol/EMI didn't get where they are by way of any shortage of ambition. So here, according to those very people, are the best songs that Radiohead has ever produced (this collection will be released stateside on June 3):
Disc One:
1. Just
2. Paranoid Android
3. Karma Police
4. Creep
5. No Surprises
6. High and Dry
7. My Iron Lung
8. There There (The Boney King of Nowhere.)
9. Lucky
10. Optimistic
10. Fake Plastic Trees
11. Idioteque
12. 2+2=5 (The Lukewarm.)
13. The Bends
14. Pyramid Song
15. Street Spirit (Fade Out)
16. Everything in Its Right Place
Disc Two
1. Airbag
2. I Might Be Wrong
3. Go to Sleep
4. Let Down
5. Planet Telex
06. Exit Music (For a Film)
07. The National Anthem
08. Knives Out
09. Talk Show Host
10. You
11. Anyone Can Play Guitar
12. How to Disappear Completely
13 True Love Waits (Live)
It's hard to not be disappointed by a list like this. Undoubtedly, you'll be appalled that this song ("Subterranean Homesick Alien"!!?!) or that song ("A Wolf at the Door?!??!") is missing, and so are we. But it's not so disgraceful as anyone might have expected. At least they gave it two discs. Right?