Monday, December 17, 2007

Ryan Jay's top tracks of 2007

In response to Pitchfork's list of the year's top tracks and from the deep reaches of my holiday-addled brain, here are my favourite tracks from this year:

1. “Missed the Boat” by Modest Mouse
2. "A Postcard to Nina" by Jens Lekman
3. "House of Cards" by Radiohead
4. "Atlas" by Battles
5. “And I Remember Every Kiss” by Jens Lekman
6. "I'm Not Going to Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance With You" by Black Kids
7. "Slow Show" by The National
8. "Mistaken for Strangers" by The National
9. "15 Step" by Radiohead
10. "Your English Is Good" by Tokyo Police Club
11. “Dashboard” by Modest Mouse
12. "Plaster Casts of Everything" by Liars
13. "Our Life is Not a Movie or Maybe" by Okkervil River
14. "You Got Yr Cherry Bomb" by Spoon
15. "All My Friends" by LCD Soundsystem
16. "Around the World/Harder Better Faster Stronger" by Daft Punk
17. "No Cars Go" by Arcade Fire
18. "I Tell a Story About a Birth Control and Deal With A Retarded Heckler" by Patton Oswalt
19. "North American Scum" by LCD Soundsystem
20. "Hunting for Witches" by Bloc Party
21. "To Fix the Gash In Your Head" by A Place to Bury Strangers
22. "Brother In Conflict" by Voxtrot
23. "Stronger" by Kanye West
24. "A Hand to Take Hold of the Scene" by Okkervil River
25. "Rockers to Swallow" by Yeah Yeah Yeahs

Honourable Mentions:
"Gravity's Rainbow" by Klaxons
"1234" by Feist
"Keep the Car Running" by Arcade Fire
"Wham City" by Dan Deacon
"Middle Distance Runner" by Sea Wolf
"Tiger Trap" by Beat Happening
"Scythian Empire" by Andrew Bird
"(Even If You Die On The) Ocean" by Saturday Looks Good to Me


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