As part of their recently announced trip to North America, shoegaze godparents My Bloody Valentine will be visiting our fair side of the state, dropping in at the Concourse (at the SF Design Centre) September 30th. This means that both artists honoured with having the best album of the 90s by Pitchfork (depending on which list you refer to) are going to hit up the Bay Area in the space of about a month later this year.
To give you an idea of what you'll hear at Radiohead's set August 22nd at Outside Lands, here's what they played at their inaugural show last night in Florida:
All I Need
There There
The Gloaming
Morning Bell
How to Disappear Completely
15 Step
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
Bullet Proof..I Wish I Was
Where I End and You Begin
Everything In Its Right Place
The National Anthem
And for encore numero uno:
Faust Arp
Exit Music (For a Film)
Bangers & Mash
Another encore!
House of Cards
Street Spirit (Fade Out)
Radiohead are notorious for playing a different set almost every night of a tour, as well as eschewing obvious songs like "Creep" or "Karma Police" and even "Paranoid Android". It's probably safe to assume they'll run through the balance of NLtS 2007 AOTY In Rainbows, some classics, and a few b-sides and surprises each night. In case, get excited!
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